
Emery House

88 Emery St


  • Contact Name
    Jeff Hunter
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Language(s)
  • Region
    Region 1: Moncton
  • Postal Code
    E1B 1B1
  • Level of Care
  • Bed
  • Pharmacy
    Medicine Shoppe (West Main)
  • Facility
    Blended Facility

Features of Services

(x)Do you provide outings for your residents?
(x)Do staff have training in Oxygen Therapy?
(x)Do staff have training in Dementia Care?
(x)Do staff have training in Colostomy Care?
()Do staff have training in Diabetes and insulin management?
()Do you accommodate special diets i.e. gluten free, diabetic, etc.?
(x)Do you accept clients that are MRSA positive?
(x)Do staff have training in Wound Care?
(x)Do you have an accessible shower or tub for persons in a wheelchair?
()Do you have a working relationship with extra mural nursing?
(x)Do You Accept Smokers And Provide A Designated Smoking Area?
(x)Do you accept residents who are incontinent?
(x)Do you have in home foot care?
()Do you provide transportation to and from medical visits?
()Do you have experience with clients suffering from addictions?
(x)Do you have a monitoring system on the doors?
(x)Do you provide adaptive equipment for your residents?
()Can clients keep their own family physicians?
()Do you allow residents to bring their own furniture?
(x)Do you have in home hairdressing?
()Do any of your residents work in the community?
()Do you look after managing their comfort and clothing money?
()Do you have a doctor/nurse practitioner assigned to all residents?
()Do any of your residents attend outreach programs?
(x)Do you provide references from your existing clients and/or their families?
()Do you have an outdoor area for sitting, walking, gardening, etc.?
()Can a resident bring their pet to live with them?